About the Program
Gentry Boys Hockey is committed to building leadership skills, encouraging athletic ability and playing for the enjoyment of the game. Also, providing a healthy, balanced and enjoyable experience while inspiring impactful service outside of the rink and in the community. The players and coaching staff will represent the culture and integrity of Gentry Academy on and off the ice. (Team photo by @brennanschachtnerphotography.)
Become a SponsorThe Gentry Boys Hockey Booster Club operates as a non-profit tax-exempt organization in accordance with Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Support the TeamSupport the team by participating in one of our fundraisers.
Our SponsorsThank you to all our 2024-25 sponsors. Your support helps the team in achieving its mission.
Contact Information
Our School's LocationOur Rink Location - TCO Sports Garden |